Wrightsville Beach Anchorage is to port as you head south through the bascule bridge. Green marker "29" is the first of a series of channel markers to lead you to the Otts Channel. Follow the channel until red marker "16". Avoid the shoal as you turn to port, then anchor between the channel and the fixed bridge. The bottom is sand and good holding. The tide is about 2 ft. You can come ashore on the public property near the bridge or get permission to beach your dinghy further south of the bridge. One of the churches owns part of the waterfront property. Laundry and groceries are a within a short walk.
Snows Cut Anchorage is south of the ICW. Leave the ICW at red marker "161" and turn to port at red marker "4". Anchor in 15 ft. of water over a good-holding sandy bottom. Tide is about 1 ft. here.
Dutchman's Creek is one mile south of Southport at green marker "5". Turn to starboard and anchor in 12 ft. The bottom is soft and fair holding with a tide of over 4 ft.
Calabash Creek meets the Little River at green marker "119" Turn to starboard, stay in the middle of the creek and anchor in a deep pocket behind the island. The tide is over 5 ft. with a swift current in the creek. The bottom is good holding. Shallow draft vessels can continue about 1 mile further to the town of Calabash, famous for its seafood.
George Town Harbour to starboard at red marker "30". Leave the ICW and follow the harbour markers to marker "J". Stay to the right and continue until you are off the town clock where you can anchor in 8 to 12 ft. The bottom is soft, fair to good holding and tide is about 3 ft.
Minim Creek Anchorage on the western side offers the best protection. Enter after red marker "4". Favour the far shore and you should miss the shoal. Anchor around the bend in 8 to 12 ft. The bottom is good holding and the tide is about 3 ft.
Harbor River provides an anchorage with a swift current. Turn to port at red marker "48" and round the bend. Set your anchor in 13 ft. of water over a good-holding sand bottom. Set two anchors here and you will swing less when the tide changes. The current runs about 3 knots with the tide and tide height is about 4 ft.
Whiteside Creek is to the starboard, just ahead of red marker "96". Stay in the middle of the creek and anchor in 11 ft. just abeam of a small stream on the starboard. The bottom is mud and good holding. The tide is about 5 ft.
Inlet Creek, to starboard, is a quiet anchorage with little traffic. Turn just after green marker "119" and anchor in 11 ft. The tide is about 5 ft. The bottom is mud and good holding.
Charleston Harbor Anchorage is just before the Municipal Marina wall and after red bouy "4". Tuck in off the channel and set two anchors. The bottom is mud and good holding. Tide here runs 3 knots and rises 5 ft. Inside the Municipal Marina is a public boat launch ramp with docks. You can tie your dingy here but be considerate of others and leave space for those boats being launched or hauled out. The Marina restaurant has a small store with staples. If you require groceries, you can make use of the local transit system, which is quite inexpensive. The bus to downtown Charleston is a short walk from the Municipal Marina.
Church Creek Anchorage is off the Wadmalaw River to port at green marker "77". Continue along until you are abeam of New Cut Landing and anchor in 15 feet. This tranquil anchorage has a hard bottom which holds well. Tide is about 5 feet.
Martins Point Anchorage should be entered by turning to port after red marker "98" and following the coast of Wadmalaw Island till abeam of green marker 97". Watch the depth and feel your way around the shoal. Anchor in 15 to 20 ft. The bottom is good holding and the tide is about 5 feet.
Fishing Creek is to starboard just after the Whooping Island bridge at red marker "132". Keep the marker to starboard as you turn in, stay in the center of the creek and anchor in 15 ft. at the bend. The current is about 1 to 2 knots. The bottom is good holding and the tide is about 5 feet.
The Ashepoo River is just past the Fenwick Cut convent to the waterway .Good depth and good holding towards the north shore. Get well clear of the waterway and be prepared to rool with the traffic. Not my favourite but it breaks the Charleston to Beaufort run.
Downtown Beaufort is a short dingy ride from Factory creek depth is 10 to 12 feet and good holding in the mud bottom. The tide is about 7ft with severe currents through the Harbour .
Bull Creek is located to starboard just before marker #34 . Proceed up stream favouring the right side once past a small stream on the left anchor in 12 feet of water. The bottom is mud and good holding tide is 7feet .The Hilton Head Light is visible on a clear day from here.
Herb River is at marker #37 on the right . Favour the left side on your way in and anchor in soft mud. The tide here is 7 feet . We chose to stay at the Thunderbolt Marina a friendly place provisions and good laundry facilities .
Moon River is after marker #74 and before marker #75 . Favour the left side to enter and anchor off Marsh island in 9 feet of water .The bottom is mud good holding and a 7foot tide.
Kilkenny Creek at marker #107 is to the right. Favour the right side when entering and anchor in 15 feet . The bottom is mud and good holding.
Mile "646">
New Teakettle Creek is past marker #172 on the left . Make a wide turn to avoid the shoal on the left side and proceed in untill the ICW is out of sight . Anchor in 12 feet of water the tide is 7feet and mud bottom is good holding.
MILE "666" or "676"
Frederica River loop on and off the ICW at marker #229 at the north and marker #242 in the south . You can anchor off the Fort Frederica National Monument in 12 feet of water .Holding is good in the mud bottom and the tide is 7 feet .
Delaroche Creek is to the right off the Cumberland Dividings at
marker #58 . Take the centre of the creek in and anchor in 12 or better depth.